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Significant, Immediate and Permanent Cost Reduction.

For most businesses, the biggest cost is salaries; and the second biggest cost is statutory and non-statutory employee oncosts.

But many functions for which businesses engage employees don't have to be done in the offices which service customers. Much of the work done by various departments such as Accounting, Human Resources, IT, Marketing and Sales can be delivered at lower cost in conjunction with an international office which takes advantage of lower labour costs and lower oncosts.

The difficulty has always been, the cost, risk and time delay involved in establishing an office in a lower labour cost location.

Delegait resolves these issues by giving you immediate access to a fully functional office environment, including all the necessary support services. You could be interviewing and hiring within days and enjoying cost savings of around 75% on salaries and 30% or more on employment oncosts.

Contact us for more information.

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